There are countless tips for optimizing your page’s content so that it will be more relevant to given search. Each engine ranks pages differently so most tips are not universal. However, there so one tips that overrides them all:
Create pages that emulate the statists of pages that already rank at or near the top of the search results. These statistics include:
Frequency of the keyword on the page – this dose not mean more keywords are better. Instead, emulate, the same number of keyword of top – ranking pages as closely as possible. Be careful not be base your entire strategy on the statistics of a single top – ranking page. The content of a top ranking page could have easily changed since it was last indexed. Therefore , every page ranking in the Top 10 may not always represent exactly what the engine is currently looking for today . Using averages is one way to combat this problem.
Total words on the page – mimic the approximate number of words of a top –ranking page on your own page.
Weight of the keywords on the page (i.e frequency divided by the total words ) – too high a weight is just as bad as too low a weight .
Area of location of the keywords on the page (i.e title, heading, etc.)- A keywords is given more relevance by an engine when the keyword appears in the engine’s preferred areas.
Prominence - generally, the closer to the closer to the front of the area you can place the keyword, the better.
Proximity – the closer that the words of a phrase appear together, the better.
Off-pages criteria (i.e link popularity, click through popularity, etc,)-
Even when you‘ve done everything else right, don’t forget the off- page factors!
Bonus tip 1: In general, you should try including your keyword or phrasing in the Title tag, Heading tag, the link text, and to lesser extent, your Meta keyword and description tags. There are other areas in which you may want to include the keyword, depending on the engine. For example, Google is known to give a ranking boost to keywords that are in bold or large print.
Bonus tip 2: Naming your page after your keyword and/or obtaining a domain name with your keyword in it will often boost your rankings.
Bonus tip 3: If you run a regional business where most of your business is local, it’s critical that you include your full company address on every page of your site. Otherwise, people could search for “Ford dealer in Chicago”and your site would not appear if your company address was buried only on your contact page. Also, take advantage of proximity by putting the word “Chicago” as close to the phrase “Ford dealer” as possible. Lastly make sure the address is in text from since search engines can’t read your address out of a graphical logo on your page.
Bonus tip 4: Don’t spam the engines. Every engine has their pet peeves, so make sure you know what they are and avoid them. Unfortunately, generalized tips will only take you so far. That’s why we developed the page Critic feature of web Position Gold and have continued to fine –tune it over the years. We also update the advice every month to keep pace with the changes at each engine. The critic gives specific advice for the keyword, the web page, and the engine that you select so you’re not overwhelmed with advice that doesn’t apply to your find yourself wasting hours trying to count and locate keywords on your page and your competitor pages.