One of the most significant changes in search engine marketing in recent years has been the rise in the popularity of human –reviewed directories and catalogs like Look smart, yahoo, and open directory. Some search engines prominently display directories listing for many popular searches. MSN is a prime example.
Do a search on MSN, and you’ll generally find the first page of result s dominated by Looksmart directory listings. Some of the other major engine also listing directory results prominently or at least emphasize them in various ways. You can recognize directory listings since they are often called “Web site results” rather than “Web Page Results.”
Once you submit to a directory, it‘s difficult to go back and correct mistakes later. Some of them, are it’s of utmost importance to get right the first time. There are many strategies for achieving great visibility with the directories. Some of them involve keyword placement and some involve human psychology.Tiips for other directories are found in the directory submission position Gold’s submitter. Read all the information you can about submitting to each directory before you submit .Even if you’ve poorly, you should find some strategies to help you reverse the damage.